Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What Happens If You Get Herpes And Aps Syndrome What Happens When You Get Herpes In Your Eyes?

What happens when you get herpes in your eyes? - what happens if you get herpes and aps syndrome

Is it easy to get herpes in the eyes, if you have genital herpes? And if so, what are the symptoms of herpes in the eye?


tamisara sez said...

Herpes (ocular herpes in the eye) can lead to blindness, especially if immunocompromised. If you have herpes (oral-genital or oral herpes) and get a tingling sensation around the eyes, sore eyes and wounds to see the doctor urgently!

mz.thang said...

If you genital herpes and touching an infected area to other areas of the skin and infect. Im not sure sure about the symptoms of herpes around the eyes, but in that it would probably be the same as herpes elsewhere. Hands with antibacterial soap after using the bathroom, especially during an epidemic. And never touch another area of skin before washing hands. It prevents the virus to other parts of the body.

pallarin... said...

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Shiny Golbat
Shiny Swellow
Shiny Primeape
Send me your friend code, because I do not know, now my

pallarin... said...

I diamond:
Shiny Golbat
Shiny Swellow
Shiny Primeape
Send me your friend code, because I do not know, now my

Zak said...

0.0122% chance of finding

I have a bright and shiny Vileplume Garados

Zak said...

0.0122% chance of finding

I have a bright and shiny Vileplume Garados

teh cheef said...

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BlueLuca... said...

I've got a shiny Spinda and Oddish.

What U talking version?

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