Being a man i am useless at ironing.Whenever i iron something it somehow ends up more creased than before? - how to get more men in mount and blade
To go as insoluble problems, which describes climbing Mount Everest, on skates.
Ive tried to bribe my sister with the money, but I sure got an ear full of colorful language
Is there someone (I suspect most women) have tips or techniques on how to succeed in a piece of iron clothing.
Wait until the iron is hot.
My husband irons his own thing
I bribe him to do me
Using Steam
Get your things really dry wrinkled. If you are really a super duper turn have your washing machine, you immediately hang dry. At least you have a chance! Iron slightly damp too much ......
I, too, iron and ironing wrinkles I hate, so ....... Or take on the army you learn to do!
Enter ironing clothes, then you go sit in the sauna for ten minutes.
Do not ask me, I have the same problem. I can not iron Woth sh * t. It sucks!
Well, I thought, if I give the clothes a spray bottle with water and shake vigorously, that also removes wrinkles.
Your question is not sexist or anything else.
Get your butler to do it.
First, adjust the temperature according to fabric.
For a shirt, take the first ring, then the sleeves, button cuffs and put them on the ironing board and make it smooth as possible, before the plate, then do another lap. then one side at the front of the shirt (buttoned), then the next and not turn back. For pants, one leg at a time can not handle the folds, which will only exacerbate disturb you.
If this is too much trouble to dress for cleaning and they have washed and pressed (no dry cleaning) are perfect every time.
With 4 children, I still have the same mountain, counseling Tho not go through them carefully!
Oh, rumpled clothes in the fashion, I'd be in heaven:)
Well, I can
Wear loose clothing and dry suit.
that sounds like me, I did `nt this question, which I did,
Reiron I have my husband is iron. simply abandoned her husband has no way
Reiron I have my husband is iron. simply abandoned her husband has no way
Maybe you should ask whether Sandstorm222 can borrow one of his wives to make your board too.
No, I iron, I think, for the cleaning and let it .....
To buy the clothing is made from a wrinkle-resistant fabric, it is easier!
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